One key factor is motivation. How does one get that
motivation? Well, to maintain that motivation fire burning, we need to have an
objective in mind and have the ability to visualize our destination—our
ultimate prize at the end of the road is a college degree. For example, if we
want to get from point C to D (where point D is a place filled with honey and
milk), then we need to have it figured out in our head as to how to get there;
this way, whatever issues we may be facing we will not lose sight of our goal.
This obstinacy to succeed will enable us to persevere and carry-on, despite the
difficulties ahead of us. It will also enable us to develop good study habits and
overcome procrastination. Additionally, motivation will enable us to be
self-disciplined and be a self-starter.
The second key factor is to prioritize. Most of us online
adult learners have families and careers or jobs to juggle; and we squeeze in
the little time we have left over to study and complete our class assignments.
Is that a good idea to allocate minimal time to our education? I believe our
educational endeavor should be memorable and seen as adventurous. For that
matter, it should be allotted the most quality time and be made a top priority.
When we make education our priority, we will consciously want to stay on top of
our class assignments and abstain from procrastination. We will also want to
develop good time management skills, schedule our lives around our educational
endeavors, and make sacrifices.
The third key factor is to do it in bite-sized chunks. When
we think of all the readings and research papers we have to write, most of us
will become frustrated and just quit altogether. However, I advise against
climbing to the top of your Mount Everest in one giant leap. Instead, just
focus on each low plateau at a time—commit to reading just a few pages an hour
and answering some part of the assigned problems each hour or day. Hence,
complete the reading and writing in small dosages, instead of swallowing the
whole bottle all at once.
And believe me, before you know it, the semester has already ended and you
will feel an adrenaline-high from getting that “A” for the course.
However, if there comes a point where circumstances or personal issues are
preventing you from completing a course on time, then you may be eligible to
request a course extension. Consult with your adviser, or professor, before you
get to this point to figure out your options for getting the grade you’ve
earned for the course.